Many industries have high-temperature applications in some capacity. Some industries—such as steel mills, petro-chemical and power generation—often encounter elevated temperatures and super-heated steam applications. Applications producing heat and energy are considered high-temperature gasket applications. Common high-temperature applications where Durlon® gaskets are utilized include:
- High-pressure pumps
- Heat exchangers
- Steam lines
- Chemical reactors
A key consideration for these types of situations is the selection of an appropriate gasket material. The wrong fibers could result in a host of complications such as leaking, combustion, equipment failure, or worse—a workplace injury. To withstand severe operational conditions and avoid potentially harmful consequences, it is critical to use a high-temperature gasket material suitable for the application.
At GRI, we routinely encounter these extreme-temperature and super-heated steam applications, granting us an enhanced understanding of the importance of using the right material. When choosing a gasket for extreme temperatures and pressures, we have several solutions to offer.
Gaskets Suitable for Extreme Temperatures
Besides flexible graphite & spiral wound gaskets, GRI offers these solutions for high-temperature operations:
- Durlon® 8900 – This premium grade compressed sheet gasket material with strong chemical resistance can withstand super-heated steam, temperatures up to 925° F, operating temperatures between -100° F (-73° C) and 752° F (400° C), and pressures up to 2000 psi.
- Durlon® HT1000® – This mica sheet with low binder content provides excellent sealability at temperatures up to 1,800°F (1,000°C). Available with no carrier, a 0.002” thick stainless steel carrier, or a 0.004” thick stainless steel perforated carrier.
- Durlon®Durtec® Technology – Fire-safe flexible graphite material that includes a proprietary corrugated metal core for added mechanical support and pressure resistance.
- Durlon® ETG (Extreme Temperature Gaskets) – This brand new, semi-metallic, oxidation-inhibiting gasket combines inhibited flexible graphite with our extreme heat resistant HT1000® mica material able to withstand temperatures to 1,832° F (1,000° C).
A typical high-temperature application is considered to hover around 700-800° F. For extreme and super-heated steam applications, that number reaches up to 1,000°F. At these temperatures, graphite can actually oxidize and become powder in a matter of seconds if operating in an oxygen-enriched environment. Therefore, gaskets for extreme temperatures must be protected.
With the appropriate sealant enabling it to withstand harsh conditions, flexible graphite remains unaffected by exposure to heat across a wide temperature range; this makes it the go-to material for high-temperature gaskets.
Surprisingly, flexible graphite is a bit of a misnomer, as sheets are generally inflexible, rigid, and at risk of breaking. GRI is proud to have pioneered a manufacturing process that allows us to create a flexible graphite sheet capable of retaining dimensional shape and bouncing back under extreme pressures and high temperatures.
We protect our graphite from extreme operating conditions by using an ultra-pure, oxygen-inhibited variation and manufacturing a multilayer spiral wound gasket. Our flexible graphite sheets can be cut into any shape and size, allowing us virtually unlimited gasket capabilities.
Resilient Products & Hands-On Training
Not only does GRI have experience working with super-heated steam and other extreme conditions, but we’ve made them the core of our business. With an increased focus on creating products for high-temperature situations, we introduced both the Durlon® Durtec® and the Durlon® ETG’s (Extreme Temperature Gaskets).
In addition to our resilient product offering, our team provides hands-on, in-person installation training, as well as online resources for gasket selection and proper installation. To help find the right gasket for your application, use our free chemical compatibility online tool.
Durtec® is a registered trademark of Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.